Friday, February 18, 2011

Into The Rabbit Hole We Go.


So ended up not posting for a few days. Bah, who cares?

Anywhooo, I need to make the cover for Imtiyaaz, the school newsletter. Am I excited?


I like drawing. But I hate being forced to draw. Hahah.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Puppy Mill Horrors.

Go to that link. Go on. Read the posts.

Sick isn't it? It's so despicable, the way they're using animals for their own profit without even ensuring the animals' health and safety.

Alright, if you're a lazy butt and you won't go to that link above, I'll tell you what it's all about.

It's about puppy mills in Singapore and around the world. Puppy mills are breeding facilities that breeds puppies for sale. The bad thing about this? Almost all the dogs there are severely malnourished, have diseases due to unsanitary cages and possibly some psychological trauma. Dogs are treated like breeding machines. Once a dog can't breed anymore, it's disposed of or abandoned. Most of them sleep in cages filled with their own excrement because of poor maintenance. Here's a picture:

Disgusting. The worst thing is, people are buying these pups without even KNOWING the suffering and torment they've been through.

Why is nothing being done about these barbarians?!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Safari Song.

I love animals. And I strongly, STRONGLY, believe that they should never, EVER, be mistreated. That's why, I support SPCA's cause, even though they put some animals to sleep due to space constraints. 

Man, I hope I get to volunteer or something during the June holidays. I really want to visit their shelter!

Thanks to Google Maps, I got an outside view of the place, and it seemed kinda small. BUT! I heard that they were gonna build a new building in 2012. So, good luck to them! :3

Oh, and The Cat Welfare Society is a good company too. I SUPPORT ALL OF YOU WHO SUPPORT ANIMALS! :D

I also like to visit pet shops. I don't know why, but just seeing a huge space filled with animal stuff makes me feel so giddily happy! I especially like Pet Safari. It's so big and so... woodsy? Haha.

I really like pet toys.


Crossing The Log Bridge

Some pictures make me feel weird.

I can't exactly explain it, but it's almost as if I don't ever want to stop looking at the picture. It gives me this abnormal, almost nostalgic and wistful feeling inside me. Something that makes me want to actually be IN the picture. It's really hard to explain.

It's like you're watching your childhood-- it just grabs you and you feel absorbed.

Maybe it's just too aesthetically pleasing to me. Who knows.

Carve the Path.

People always say I plan too much. Plans are good. I like plans. Plans helps a person stay organized. They show the things you're trying to achieve and the things you're supposed to avoid, if possible. Plans helps a person NOT make last minute decisions.

Without plans, my whole life would probably go haywire. I'm currently planning-- sort of, anyway-- about what I'm going to be in the future. It's hard. I'm confused.


Okay. I'm done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is probably the 56968056049th blog I've created so far. Hope it sticks this time.