Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wow. Haven't touched my blog in, like what, months now? Pfftyeah.

So... School was... Interesting.

Alright, here's the deal, whoever's reading:

I don't have many expressions, I get that. Alright. I don't laugh at stuff you laugh at, I'm not interested in the stuff you're interested in, and I don't go to the places you go. Call me boring, but that's just the way I roll.

I try, try, try my best to not be angry. I really do. I try. But sometimes I can't hold it all in, you know? I'm human too.

So I'm sorry, Hanisah Ghazali, for screaming into your face today. Seriously.

Well okay that was weird. I'll just... be off watching viral videos now. See ya.

Thursday, August 4, 2011



1-A person with such an attitude.
2- Disobedient to authorities or rules.

Example: You're so recalcitrant that I feel like slapping your face.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Best Title.

I finally found it. The best title for the comic I'm working on. After long hours straining my eyes against the computer screen.

But I'm not telling you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spots' Backstory.

Making up backstories for your pets is fun.

Spots might be referred to as shy by some people, and grumpy by others. Some might even call him independent. This is not so.

While he might prefer to hide in a small space than to interact with people or other cats, he doesn't hate them. He's just scared. Scared of what?

Being abused and being left alone, most probably.

Spots used to have two siblings; a brother called Parsley and a half-sister called Mia. He loved them, oh so very much. He was never far away from any one of them. It was like his confidence relied on being close to his more dominant siblings.

Parsley was outgoing and loving, as was Mia. Spots needed more time and was more wary.

When he was still a 'whole' tom, he quite enjoyed being stroked by people. And then he was whisked away to the vet to be neutered. Alone.

Without Parsley.

Spots also had an internal tear near his stomach region. So he was treated, but unfortunately, part of his stomach fur had to be shaved in the process. How humiliating. How disgraceful. The pain must've been unbearable after the surgery. And all he knew was that he was in a white room, with people, and pain shooting from his tummy.

He came home different. He often slinked off under a bed whenever strangers came to visit. Carrying him was no longer an option--claws would rake you if you did try.

But he was still close to Parsley. Near inseparable.

Until Parsley ran away.

There was no news at all, it was all so sudden. Parsley just slipped through the door and never came back. Now he was all alone with Mia.

That would've been fine if it wasn't for the fact that Mia had kits and was forced to leave the house.

Spots was confused. Distressed. He had no pillar of strength to lean on anymore. No more playmates. No more company.

Even though he was now showered with strokes and pets, he still was wary of people and other animals. So few could he trust with his life, so few.

They would just hurt him... Or leave him.


Strange how a picture can awaken a yearning so strong. I want to be in this picture. I want to explore this trail.

I want to see God's masterpieces.

How Unfortunate.

You seemed like a really devout person too.

Too bad you're so wasted and broken.

Whatever happened to you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Genetics And Coats.

Huh. Who would know cat genetics could interest me so much.

Here's a sum up of what I've learned so far.

Males have coats that are either orange (or a variation) or black (or a variation) and rarely both. Calico or Tortie males are almost always sterile due to having two X chromosomes instead of one.

The long-haired gene is recessive!

Kittens in the same litter can have different dads.

When a calico female mates with a black male, their kittens will usually be different-coloured.

Yes I bore you shut up.