Wednesday, April 27, 2011

S With a Tupid Crawling Behind.

No, no, no.

You know people who claims to hate their school? Well yeah, guess what? This rant is gonna be about them.


So, I'll start by saying that it's natural for some people to hate their school. "School's boring," "The teachers suck" "I don't have any friends" yadda yadda yadda. Yeah yeah, I've heard it a million times now. And I just have one thing to say to all of you emobags.

Suck it up, and get over it.

So what if your school is low class? So WHAT if the teachers always lecture you on Boy-Girl relationships? So what if the lessons are tough?

So. The. Crap. WHAT?

If you hate your school so much, then go transfer schools. Easy as pie. If your parents won't let you, then too bad. Suck it up, wuss. 

I'm seriously perplexed. Don't these people even feel a shred of guilt? Schools and teachers are sacrificing pretty much their whole lives, just to teach you subjects that are deemed important by the government for some reason. So some of them don't do a good job--people will be people. You can't expect everyone to be perfect and change to your liking. Don't they know how small and sad the teachers they hate would feel if they heard their negative comments about them?

And for those who claim to have no 'true' friends: Well, I'm sorry to hear about your angsty, anti-social life, oh Edward Cullen Jr. Why don't you stop wallowing in your sea of self-pity and actually start MAKING friends? You can't expect people to just come up to you and go "You're my next bestfriend". YOU have to make the first move. And if people hate you so much, how about you listen up to what exactly they hate about you and try to better your personality? I'm not asking you to change, but if people are hating on you because you call everyone hos or sluts, or gossip behind their backs or whatnot, then isn't it about time you stopped that sick trait of yours?

And how about, instead of whining your sorry butt off, you actually DO something to make the school a better place for yourself for once?

Okay, I'm done.  

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