Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Safari Song.

I love animals. And I strongly, STRONGLY, believe that they should never, EVER, be mistreated. That's why, I support SPCA's cause, even though they put some animals to sleep due to space constraints. 

Man, I hope I get to volunteer or something during the June holidays. I really want to visit their shelter!

Thanks to Google Maps, I got an outside view of the place, and it seemed kinda small. BUT! I heard that they were gonna build a new building in 2012. So, good luck to them! :3

Oh, and The Cat Welfare Society is a good company too. I SUPPORT ALL OF YOU WHO SUPPORT ANIMALS! :D

I also like to visit pet shops. I don't know why, but just seeing a huge space filled with animal stuff makes me feel so giddily happy! I especially like Pet Safari. It's so big and so... woodsy? Haha.

I really like pet toys.


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