Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Monotony That Is Life.

Here's the daily schedule of an average Singapore student:

6 AM   : Wake up, bathe, go to school without breakfast.

8 AM   : Start lessons.

2 PM   : End lessons. Go home, while maybe stopping at Sweet Talk to get a drink.

3 PM   : Chill on Facebook, Twitter, Formspring or some other generic social networking site.

8 PM   : Dinner plus homework.

12 AM  : Sleeping time.

And the cycle continues, give or take a few hours spent socializing with friends at the mall or library. And the schedule doesn't change when you become adults. Just replace the word 'school' with 'work' and you're done.

This is saddening because there's a big, beautiful world out there just waiting to be explored, embraced and cherished. But instead of running off to see this beauty we have in our hands, we focus ourselves on stuff that won't matter in twenty years to come.

Seriously. Algebra? Who uses that?

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