Monday, May 30, 2011

She Drew.

A short drabble on nothing specific. Just exercising my writing skills (which are apparently failing).

I lifted my head from the newspaper I was idly gazing at and looked at the girl before me. She was bent over her sketchpad, her black hair draped over her eyes like a curtain, although I was certain her eyes were darting towards my direction every few moments.. Her pencil made an incessant scritch-scratching noise as it moved over the page. This was a waste of time.

A breeze flitted by, carrying with it loose leaves and stray twigs across the near empty park, shining in parts where the sun casted a golden glow through the thick canopy of the trees. Weeds peeked from the tall, unkempt grass and mushrooms dotted the trunks of some trees. The overall appearance of the park was unkempt and wild. Definitely not a place I would choose to go. But, she had suggested it. What else could a gentleman do except entertain a lady's whim on their date?

At least, this was what it was supposed to be. I'd read in some materials that couples usually go to restaurants or have a leisurely stroll beside the beach on their dates, but I wasn't quite sure spending time in an overgrown mess of a park counts as well. But then again, I'd never been on a date. 

Like I mentioned, this was a waste of time. Nothing was being gained from the mutual silence that settled before us. I would rather spend my time working, or even cleaning my handgun collect--

She looked up, smiling. She tilted her head slightly and passed me the sketch book, as if eager to hear my insight.

She drew me. 
I like writing short stuff.


  1. shut up please. you so have to continue this. not part of our plan but how can you leave it at that?! D:<

  2. Hurhur. We'll see in the future eh? I like this short piece too, although the descriptions leaves much to be desired.
