Friday, May 27, 2011

Bottle It Up.

It is often said that bottling up your emotions is a bad thing. I did my reasearch (oh yes, what a hardworking person I am) and there's a few reasons why this isn't a good thing.

1- Apparently all those bottled up emotions can make a person more irritable, aggressive and angry.
2- (This being the most common reason) Your emotions will get more and more intense, think of it as putting more coal in an already fiery furnace, and it will just explode one day.
3- You can become depressed.
4- These emotions can manifest themselves into diseases. (This, I think is stupid, but apparently it's a 'valid' reason.)

Now this is weird for me. I bottle up a lot. It's not that I want to, it just happens. Like a habit that clings to you. And it doesn't really affect me THAT much. Well, sure, I'm irritable, but only when I'm with people that really annoy me. And that's all. I don't really think much about emotions. Sometimes, they even confuse me.

To me, emotions can always be put aside. It's always possible to see the bigger picture. Except for when it isn't.

Okay I'm confusing myself now.

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