Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Giggles, Laughter.

More drabbles. And more misuse of english words.

"Seriously Linda, your eyes are so beautiful. Like deep, soulful pools of eternal bliss." 

"Now you're just being kind, Mike." 


Nonchalantly, I glanced at the couple sitting together on the bench. The woman seemed to like his praise--although I couldn't comprehend why. That was the most horrible misuse of the English language I have ever heard. I kept walking. 

She wanted to meet me at the cafe that had just opened. Powdered Cup, she said it was called. A friend of mine said that I would never be able to keep a woman for a week--two weeks, maximum. We'll see about that. 

The bell at the door jingled as I entered the small cafe, and I saw her swinging her head in my direction. A smile etched itself on her lips and she focused her gaze towards the floor. She was seated at the far end of the shop, her usual sketchpad was in her hands. I nodded at her and sat down, grabbing the menu. 

Coffee. Coffee. Tea. More coffee. How boring.

I snuck a peek at her and cleared my throat.


"Hmm?" She looked up at me, dark, chocolate eyes expectant.

"Your eyes are beautiful. They're so... deep. And uh... Soulful?" Great. Now I'm copycat. 

"Soulful?" She echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Most definintely. Like the moon on a cloudless night, magnificently stunning, mesmerising even." I stopped. Why was she not gushing over me?

She stared at me. And then, she started giggling. It was almost undiscernable at first, but it gradually grew and grew until all eyes were on us both. I glared at them all, and they quickly faced their coffees and shenanigans. 

What was she laughing about? It sounded different from the one the couple made. Louder, and more amused.

She gathered herself, although she was still chuckling. "You're not used to this, are you?"

Was it that obvious? "...No." 

"It's okay. You don't have to force yourself to make comments you don't mean around me. I don't mind." She smiled. "But, thank you." 
Haha, the guy is such a dork.

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