Thursday, June 23, 2011

Badass Kitty-Cats.

Here is my list of badass fictional felines from the top of my head.

Puss In Boots

The Zorro-esque tom from Shrek. Duh. He's awesome personified. Plus, his voice. HIS VOICE. He's getting his own movie too--coming out in November. Mee-ow. If I were a cat, I'd like to bang him.

Did I just say that? Er... NEXT.

Tai Lung

And how. This snow leopard busted his way out of a prison with a freakin' feather. Enough said. Tigress would be in this list, but she's just not as badass as Tai Lung. Sorry Tigress.

Of course this Sabre has to be in my list. Have you seen those teeth? Whiter than mine, I'll say. And even though he has his moments of softness, it never rules out his aura of badassery.

This cat HAS to be here. He doesn't give two cents about you. And his condescending attitude towards all is remarkably... cute?

Mordecai Heller
This list wouldn't be complete without this feline right here; Mr. Heller, the straight-laced, emotionally retarded, sociopathic hitman. Did I mention his penchant for being so smartly dressed? Bonus points right there.

So that is my list of badass kitties. There's more, but these are my primary men--I mean cats.

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