Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse.

I had the strangest dream last night. It was highly reminiscent of a zombie apocalypse movie (think: I Am Legend). I don't really remember how it started. But it was chronological, story-like. I just know that it was getting dark, and people were getting killed one by one. There was a pattern though--only the second childs were getting killed, all others were miraculously okay.

Until for some reason everybody decided to migrate in the middle of the night. Everybody being my family and my relatives. Well, those that hadn't died anyway.

BIG MISTAKE. Those zombie thingies were scared of sunlight so they went hunting at night and stuff (See. I told you--I Am Legend.) And for some unexplained reason one of them kept using an iron rod to bash people and incapacitate them. Gory I tell you. So the sun came up after a long hard night of running (well, driving) away from the zombie thingies in a mini-van. The zombies ran away and shiz, and we decided to raid the Shop and Save store nearby for supplies and possibly camp there.

TURNS OUT SOME ZOMBIES WERE TAKING SHELTER INSIDE A DARK STOREROOM IN THERE. So my dad guarded the door by spraying water at them whenever they tried to go out. Yeah, they're scared of water too.

Shut up, I know this dream is long. Just stick with it okay.

So my uncles caught this one zombie who was prowling outside and stuff and brought him to my dad. Oh, by this time the zombies wore all black suits, like ninjas or something. Complete with masks so we can't see their faces. I'm going to wing it and say that it's probably as a protection against the sun.

But the zombie refused to go inside the storeroom with all its other kind. And it SPOKE ENGLISH very eloquently. But it did sit outside the store room with my dad though as my dad proceeded to ask it stuff. Very anti-hero-ish, the zombie.

So, long story short, we found more zombies. And the most stupid part: They turn into weird alien thingies after they smell perfume or something sweet-smelling. They're much more docile in this form and they DONT EAT PEOPLE ANYMORE. They look like a cross between the martians in Mars Needs Moms and Gardevoir or Kirlia from Pokemon. Multi coloured too.

So we decided to ask the alien thingies to tell their brothers and sisters to not eat us anymore. They said they'll try. So the movie--I mean dream, ends with my family, relatives and I driving along to find new places to take cover. We brought along all the perfume and soap we could find in Shop and Save though.

I don't know why I dreamt that. But I have a hunch it's because I watched Felidae and Cats and Dogs 2 the night before. Don't watch Felidae. It's not for kids. Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I really envy you, man. All my dreams end hanging and I'd spend half the day the next day thinking how it might-slash-should end like.
