Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Once, Twice.

A game with Hanisah (Sven) and Sabrina (Yves).

You: Hey.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: :)
You: You seem friendly. :D
Stranger: teehee
Stranger: :D u 2
Stranger: whats ur name ?
You: Zeke.
Stranger: zeke ? cool name:]
Stranger: where r u from ?
You: Scotland.
Stranger: niceeeee
You: Yourself?
Stranger: carolina . italy
Stranger: :)
You: :D
Stranger: :D how old r u ?
You: Old enough to know better, young enough to be happy. :)
Stranger: haha 16 ?
You: Maybe. Close enough.
Stranger: 15 ?
You: It's a secret. ;)
Stranger: awww
You: You must be of the young sort yourself?
Stranger: well r u 17 :P
Stranger: yeh im 15 <3
You: Great. :D
You: Don't worry, I'm a teen.
Stranger: yeppers
Stranger: lol
Stranger: so how old r u o:
You: 16. You caught me the first time. :P
Stranger: lol u said close enough
You: A man has to protect their dignity. lol.
Stranger: 16 boy scotland u must be so hot <3
Stranger: lol this made me smile
You: Well, not as attractive as Italians, of course.
Stranger: xD
You: Bet ya got great pizzas. :D
Stranger: yes obviously <3
Stranger: u like pizza ?
You: Yep. Italian food are my favourite, surprisingly.
You: Lasagne, especially. They're awesome.
Stranger: oh oh loved it
Stranger: what brings u here ?
You: A friend asked to check this site out... He's a reliable source of network goodies.
Stranger: oo lol so this is ur first time ?
You: Yeah. It's good that my first time is with a friendly person. :)
Stranger: me ?
Stranger: aww <3
Stranger: r u on ipod or smth
You: ;)
You: Youtube. I'm addicted.
You: It's a sad life really.
You: I'm always on the net. I LACK REAL FRIENDS
Stranger: y?
Stranger: aw
Stranger: no wayy
You: Way.
You: :C
Stranger: im such a loner
Stranger: :(
Stranger: high 5
You: Can't be! You're too friendly. :D But I'll take that high 5.
Stranger: i dont know who r my real bestfriends
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i wish i knew u
You: My bestfriend is the before mentioned guy. Yeah, he tolerates my geekiness.
You: I know. :3
Stranger: u r so friendly with a stranger lol
You: Only when the person is a genuine nice one. <3
Stranger: aw <3
Stranger: r u taken ?
You: Naah. Girls don't dig a guy who spends his time buried behind gaming manuals.
You: :(
Stranger: :(
Stranger: but u had a crush on someone ?
You: But one day I'll find the right one. :3
You: Nah... The girls at my school are kind of...
You: Well...
Stranger: yes <3
You: Not nice, we'll put it at that. :)
Stranger: oh is that so?
Stranger: i see
You: Yeah... They get me ticked sometimes...
You: You seem different though. :)
Stranger: aaah i see
Stranger: mom taught me to be nice to people
Stranger: :)
Stranger: lol
You: What a wonderful parent.
You: My parents are always overseas.
Stranger: sorry i cant speak english well
Stranger: aww im sorry :(
You: It's fine. Your english is good.
You: Nah it's okay.
Stranger: are u okay ? :(
You: I'm fine, really. :)
Stranger: good :)
You: They'll be back soon though.
You: ...For thanksgiving....
You: Maybe.
You: I hope so...
Stranger: i see :/
Stranger: u have any siblings ?
You: An older sister. :)
You: She's great.
Stranger: how old ?
Stranger: good :)
You: around her 20s.
You: She keeps the house warm. :)
Stranger: thats great
Stranger: :)
You: I have to go now. But it was nice meeting you. :3
Stranger: oh yes its really nice talking to u
Stranger: :)
You: <3
Stranger: byee <3
You: Bye. :3

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