Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Slum Dweller With Prospects.

It wasn't hard for me to notice that I'm currently living in the slum side of Singapore. There were suspicious looking people all over the place, and my street wasn't the cleanest. A police force is hard to come by, and the nearest shopping mall was quite a distance away. There are cigarette stubs on the grass, and mysterious, foul-smelling, sticky liquid in the crevices and corners of lifts and staircases.

It's a sullen neighbourhood. So different from the one I used to reside in, which was a place that was fairly classy.

Due to circumstances which I cannot control, I am now a slum dweller. There apparently has been efforts to upgrade my neighbourhood, but the outcome was nonetheless still fairly substantial.

But I am not without dreams, oh no.

Living in such tenement conditions, for some weird, unspecified reason, has actually motivated me to do better in life. To reach what I've been wanting.

And if it takes part time jobs or all nighters, so be it.

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