Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finicky Felines.

Everyone knows how finicky cats can be. Right? Right. And many cats love tuna. But it's apparently not entirely healthy for the cat. And you know that Ikan Kuning Singapore cat ladies always give stray cats? Yeah that's not that good for them too. They can get Yellow Fat Disease or something.

My cat, Spots, himself is a picky eater. He doesn't like moist, canned food, raw fish, boiled fish, chicken, and all that wonderful cat stuff. He mostly just turns his nose away from those sticky specimens and heads for his usual bowl of dried cat food. His favourite brands? Alley Cat, Friskies and... Wait. That's it. Yeah he only likes those two. 

Speaking of Spots, he's now sniffling. I think he's caught a cold from yesterday's sudden bath. Poor thing...