Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wow. Haven't touched my blog in, like what, months now? Pfftyeah.

So... School was... Interesting.

Alright, here's the deal, whoever's reading:

I don't have many expressions, I get that. Alright. I don't laugh at stuff you laugh at, I'm not interested in the stuff you're interested in, and I don't go to the places you go. Call me boring, but that's just the way I roll.

I try, try, try my best to not be angry. I really do. I try. But sometimes I can't hold it all in, you know? I'm human too.

So I'm sorry, Hanisah Ghazali, for screaming into your face today. Seriously.

Well okay that was weird. I'll just... be off watching viral videos now. See ya.

Thursday, August 4, 2011



1-A person with such an attitude.
2- Disobedient to authorities or rules.

Example: You're so recalcitrant that I feel like slapping your face.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Best Title.

I finally found it. The best title for the comic I'm working on. After long hours straining my eyes against the computer screen.

But I'm not telling you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spots' Backstory.

Making up backstories for your pets is fun.

Spots might be referred to as shy by some people, and grumpy by others. Some might even call him independent. This is not so.

While he might prefer to hide in a small space than to interact with people or other cats, he doesn't hate them. He's just scared. Scared of what?

Being abused and being left alone, most probably.

Spots used to have two siblings; a brother called Parsley and a half-sister called Mia. He loved them, oh so very much. He was never far away from any one of them. It was like his confidence relied on being close to his more dominant siblings.

Parsley was outgoing and loving, as was Mia. Spots needed more time and was more wary.

When he was still a 'whole' tom, he quite enjoyed being stroked by people. And then he was whisked away to the vet to be neutered. Alone.

Without Parsley.

Spots also had an internal tear near his stomach region. So he was treated, but unfortunately, part of his stomach fur had to be shaved in the process. How humiliating. How disgraceful. The pain must've been unbearable after the surgery. And all he knew was that he was in a white room, with people, and pain shooting from his tummy.

He came home different. He often slinked off under a bed whenever strangers came to visit. Carrying him was no longer an option--claws would rake you if you did try.

But he was still close to Parsley. Near inseparable.

Until Parsley ran away.

There was no news at all, it was all so sudden. Parsley just slipped through the door and never came back. Now he was all alone with Mia.

That would've been fine if it wasn't for the fact that Mia had kits and was forced to leave the house.

Spots was confused. Distressed. He had no pillar of strength to lean on anymore. No more playmates. No more company.

Even though he was now showered with strokes and pets, he still was wary of people and other animals. So few could he trust with his life, so few.

They would just hurt him... Or leave him.


Strange how a picture can awaken a yearning so strong. I want to be in this picture. I want to explore this trail.

I want to see God's masterpieces.

How Unfortunate.

You seemed like a really devout person too.

Too bad you're so wasted and broken.

Whatever happened to you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Genetics And Coats.

Huh. Who would know cat genetics could interest me so much.

Here's a sum up of what I've learned so far.

Males have coats that are either orange (or a variation) or black (or a variation) and rarely both. Calico or Tortie males are almost always sterile due to having two X chromosomes instead of one.

The long-haired gene is recessive!

Kittens in the same litter can have different dads.

When a calico female mates with a black male, their kittens will usually be different-coloured.

Yes I bore you shut up.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When Life's Good.

You know that feeling when the weight of the world has just been lifted off your shoulder and onto the guy you wish you could chew up and spit?

Yeah, when that happens, you'll probably feel a pang of lethargy or laziness course through your veins and seeping out onto your soul.

Life's good again.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


What am I feeling. I don't even know any more.

Is my social ineptitude finally taking its toll on my conscience?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Weep For Humanity.

This cat is suspected to have been abused by people.

This makes me feel less than happy.

What is wrong with us? Who's more beastly? Us or the beasts?!

I hope this picture will at least remind someone that we share this planet with other sentient creatures.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Once, Twice.

A game with Hanisah (Sven) and Sabrina (Yves).

You: Hey.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: :)
You: You seem friendly. :D
Stranger: teehee
Stranger: :D u 2
Stranger: whats ur name ?
You: Zeke.
Stranger: zeke ? cool name:]
Stranger: where r u from ?
You: Scotland.
Stranger: niceeeee
You: Yourself?
Stranger: carolina . italy
Stranger: :)
You: :D
Stranger: :D how old r u ?
You: Old enough to know better, young enough to be happy. :)
Stranger: haha 16 ?
You: Maybe. Close enough.
Stranger: 15 ?
You: It's a secret. ;)
Stranger: awww
You: You must be of the young sort yourself?
Stranger: well r u 17 :P
Stranger: yeh im 15 <3
You: Great. :D
You: Don't worry, I'm a teen.
Stranger: yeppers
Stranger: lol
Stranger: so how old r u o:
You: 16. You caught me the first time. :P
Stranger: lol u said close enough
You: A man has to protect their dignity. lol.
Stranger: 16 boy scotland u must be so hot <3
Stranger: lol this made me smile
You: Well, not as attractive as Italians, of course.
Stranger: xD
You: Bet ya got great pizzas. :D
Stranger: yes obviously <3
Stranger: u like pizza ?
You: Yep. Italian food are my favourite, surprisingly.
You: Lasagne, especially. They're awesome.
Stranger: oh oh loved it
Stranger: what brings u here ?
You: A friend asked to check this site out... He's a reliable source of network goodies.
Stranger: oo lol so this is ur first time ?
You: Yeah. It's good that my first time is with a friendly person. :)
Stranger: me ?
Stranger: aww <3
Stranger: r u on ipod or smth
You: ;)
You: Youtube. I'm addicted.
You: It's a sad life really.
You: I'm always on the net. I LACK REAL FRIENDS
Stranger: y?
Stranger: aw
Stranger: no wayy
You: Way.
You: :C
Stranger: im such a loner
Stranger: :(
Stranger: high 5
You: Can't be! You're too friendly. :D But I'll take that high 5.
Stranger: i dont know who r my real bestfriends
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i wish i knew u
You: My bestfriend is the before mentioned guy. Yeah, he tolerates my geekiness.
You: I know. :3
Stranger: u r so friendly with a stranger lol
You: Only when the person is a genuine nice one. <3
Stranger: aw <3
Stranger: r u taken ?
You: Naah. Girls don't dig a guy who spends his time buried behind gaming manuals.
You: :(
Stranger: :(
Stranger: but u had a crush on someone ?
You: But one day I'll find the right one. :3
You: Nah... The girls at my school are kind of...
You: Well...
Stranger: yes <3
You: Not nice, we'll put it at that. :)
Stranger: oh is that so?
Stranger: i see
You: Yeah... They get me ticked sometimes...
You: You seem different though. :)
Stranger: aaah i see
Stranger: mom taught me to be nice to people
Stranger: :)
Stranger: lol
You: What a wonderful parent.
You: My parents are always overseas.
Stranger: sorry i cant speak english well
Stranger: aww im sorry :(
You: It's fine. Your english is good.
You: Nah it's okay.
Stranger: are u okay ? :(
You: I'm fine, really. :)
Stranger: good :)
You: They'll be back soon though.
You: ...For thanksgiving....
You: Maybe.
You: I hope so...
Stranger: i see :/
Stranger: u have any siblings ?
You: An older sister. :)
You: She's great.
Stranger: how old ?
Stranger: good :)
You: around her 20s.
You: She keeps the house warm. :)
Stranger: thats great
Stranger: :)
You: I have to go now. But it was nice meeting you. :3
Stranger: oh yes its really nice talking to u
Stranger: :)
You: <3
Stranger: byee <3
You: Bye. :3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

School Blues.

Well. Tomorrow's it.


I am not ready, as are the rest 98% of the student population. I don't want to leave my house. I'm a hermit! I ADMIT.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Badass Kitty-Cats.

Here is my list of badass fictional felines from the top of my head.

Puss In Boots

The Zorro-esque tom from Shrek. Duh. He's awesome personified. Plus, his voice. HIS VOICE. He's getting his own movie too--coming out in November. Mee-ow. If I were a cat, I'd like to bang him.

Did I just say that? Er... NEXT.

Tai Lung

And how. This snow leopard busted his way out of a prison with a freakin' feather. Enough said. Tigress would be in this list, but she's just not as badass as Tai Lung. Sorry Tigress.

Of course this Sabre has to be in my list. Have you seen those teeth? Whiter than mine, I'll say. And even though he has his moments of softness, it never rules out his aura of badassery.

This cat HAS to be here. He doesn't give two cents about you. And his condescending attitude towards all is remarkably... cute?

Mordecai Heller
This list wouldn't be complete without this feline right here; Mr. Heller, the straight-laced, emotionally retarded, sociopathic hitman. Did I mention his penchant for being so smartly dressed? Bonus points right there.

So that is my list of badass kitties. There's more, but these are my primary men--I mean cats.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Nattily (adjective):-

Smart, elegant.

Example: Those books are so nattily arranged!


Impeccable (adjective):-


Example: His mannerisms were so impeccable--he's clearly a gentleman.
Cats: Effortlessly sexier than you'll ever be.
You're stupid... I'm amused.

All cats have this condescending attitude. All. Of. Them. <3

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ice Age Affinity.

If you're a friend of mine, you should know that I harbour this intense love for the movie series, Ice Age.

If you're not a friend of mine... Well. Now you know.

That's a poster from their latest movie, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Yeah, sure dinos are anachronistic, but what the hell. It was funny. And the characters... I love em.

They have an upcoming movie, Ice Age: Continental Drift. It's coming to theatres in July the 13th, 2012. One more year. I'm already eager as hell. Why? I'll have to list it down:-

1- It's apparently going to feature the characters in an EPIC SEAFARING QUEST. Yes. Have I mentioned my love for pirates yet?

2- New characters! I'm slightly worried about this though. They're either gonna be really good... or really bad. And Jennifer Lopez is going to be in it! :D

3- Said actress-cum-singer is going to star as a love-interest for Diego, my favourite character (the sabre-tooth, for you clueless ones). Hmm. Did I mention that this character is going to be named Shira? It's my name, albeit missing a syllable or two. I AM EXCITED.

4- Diego. Duh. Diego. I love that cat. I have this thing for badass kitty cats. *cough*

Mm. Ice Age.

Promising, Uncertain.

Suddenly, being the editor of a magazine doesn't sound like an all bad job. Huh. Who knows.

And maybe setting up a pet blog would be a cool thing to do. PFT NAH. I prefer my pets to be off the computer. No reason for another creature in the household to get Myopia.

Monday, June 20, 2011

School Bells Ring.

So. School starts in a week. Homework? Half done. Revision? Not even looked at. Current status? Lazy and hating the fact that I wasted a month.

I wasted it. What have I done? Absolutely nothing. Just fasted for a week or so and that's it.

Why why why.

Sometimes, it's at times like this I wish that Singapore somehow manages to get caught in a tornado or hurricane causing us not to have to go to school and have fun surviving instead.

After all, it's in tough times you find your true self.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finicky Felines.

Everyone knows how finicky cats can be. Right? Right. And many cats love tuna. But it's apparently not entirely healthy for the cat. And you know that Ikan Kuning Singapore cat ladies always give stray cats? Yeah that's not that good for them too. They can get Yellow Fat Disease or something.

My cat, Spots, himself is a picky eater. He doesn't like moist, canned food, raw fish, boiled fish, chicken, and all that wonderful cat stuff. He mostly just turns his nose away from those sticky specimens and heads for his usual bowl of dried cat food. His favourite brands? Alley Cat, Friskies and... Wait. That's it. Yeah he only likes those two. 

Speaking of Spots, he's now sniffling. I think he's caught a cold from yesterday's sudden bath. Poor thing...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Smile Vanished.

"You seem happy." My co-worker remarked as he revved up the engine.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?"

He eyed me, arching an eyebrow. "You're actually smiling."

The smile vanished. My face heated up and I gazed outside the car window, staring at the trees as they passed by in a green and brown blur.  "And why is that such a problem? People are entitled to feel, you know."

He chuckled, amused. "Right. And I'll just sit here and pretend I don't know that it's because of the girl."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse.

I had the strangest dream last night. It was highly reminiscent of a zombie apocalypse movie (think: I Am Legend). I don't really remember how it started. But it was chronological, story-like. I just know that it was getting dark, and people were getting killed one by one. There was a pattern though--only the second childs were getting killed, all others were miraculously okay.

Until for some reason everybody decided to migrate in the middle of the night. Everybody being my family and my relatives. Well, those that hadn't died anyway.

BIG MISTAKE. Those zombie thingies were scared of sunlight so they went hunting at night and stuff (See. I told you--I Am Legend.) And for some unexplained reason one of them kept using an iron rod to bash people and incapacitate them. Gory I tell you. So the sun came up after a long hard night of running (well, driving) away from the zombie thingies in a mini-van. The zombies ran away and shiz, and we decided to raid the Shop and Save store nearby for supplies and possibly camp there.

TURNS OUT SOME ZOMBIES WERE TAKING SHELTER INSIDE A DARK STOREROOM IN THERE. So my dad guarded the door by spraying water at them whenever they tried to go out. Yeah, they're scared of water too.

Shut up, I know this dream is long. Just stick with it okay.

So my uncles caught this one zombie who was prowling outside and stuff and brought him to my dad. Oh, by this time the zombies wore all black suits, like ninjas or something. Complete with masks so we can't see their faces. I'm going to wing it and say that it's probably as a protection against the sun.

But the zombie refused to go inside the storeroom with all its other kind. And it SPOKE ENGLISH very eloquently. But it did sit outside the store room with my dad though as my dad proceeded to ask it stuff. Very anti-hero-ish, the zombie.

So, long story short, we found more zombies. And the most stupid part: They turn into weird alien thingies after they smell perfume or something sweet-smelling. They're much more docile in this form and they DONT EAT PEOPLE ANYMORE. They look like a cross between the martians in Mars Needs Moms and Gardevoir or Kirlia from Pokemon. Multi coloured too.

So we decided to ask the alien thingies to tell their brothers and sisters to not eat us anymore. They said they'll try. So the movie--I mean dream, ends with my family, relatives and I driving along to find new places to take cover. We brought along all the perfume and soap we could find in Shop and Save though.

I don't know why I dreamt that. But I have a hunch it's because I watched Felidae and Cats and Dogs 2 the night before. Don't watch Felidae. It's not for kids. Seriously.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Words Do Not Come That Easily.

I hate it. Why am I so speechless and shy around my relatives? They're all being so friendly and chirpy and I have to be all "Uhm, yeah, haha." while staring at the ground wishing I'm at home instead.

It's sickening.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Drink It Up.

So. According to this article right here, you can get drunk just by IMAGINING you're getting drunk.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Slum Dweller With Prospects.

It wasn't hard for me to notice that I'm currently living in the slum side of Singapore. There were suspicious looking people all over the place, and my street wasn't the cleanest. A police force is hard to come by, and the nearest shopping mall was quite a distance away. There are cigarette stubs on the grass, and mysterious, foul-smelling, sticky liquid in the crevices and corners of lifts and staircases.

It's a sullen neighbourhood. So different from the one I used to reside in, which was a place that was fairly classy.

Due to circumstances which I cannot control, I am now a slum dweller. There apparently has been efforts to upgrade my neighbourhood, but the outcome was nonetheless still fairly substantial.

But I am not without dreams, oh no.

Living in such tenement conditions, for some weird, unspecified reason, has actually motivated me to do better in life. To reach what I've been wanting.

And if it takes part time jobs or all nighters, so be it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Faster, Fasting.

I'm fasting right now. Not that any of you would care if I was, but I thought you should just know.

Personally, I think that this is a better alternative to lose weight than climbing up and down eight flights of staircase five times.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chip On His Shoulder.

Chip on his shoulder (idiom):-

Someone who has a grudge, or is angry about something that happened in the past.

Example: Don't provoke him further, he's got a chip on his shoulder already.

Pocket Watch.

An artpiece I did earlier today. Sort of a trial and error thing with light and shadows. It's also a try on still life. Didn't turn out as realistic as I has hoped, but it's okay I guess.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Ennui (noun):-

Boredom due to lack of activity or motivation.

Example: I am experiencing ennui. Please entertain me.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Meshuggeneh (noun/adjective):-

Yiddish for a crazy fool. Senseless or crazy.

Example: 1- Stop being such a meshuggeneh.
               2- Stop such meshuggeneh flailing and help me.

(er, someone tell me if the examples are right, because the internet did not provide any)


Petulant (adjective):-

A manner that is sulky, or bad-tempered.

Example: She is very petulant if you wake her up too early.

Giggles, Laughter.

More drabbles. And more misuse of english words.

"Seriously Linda, your eyes are so beautiful. Like deep, soulful pools of eternal bliss." 

"Now you're just being kind, Mike." 


Nonchalantly, I glanced at the couple sitting together on the bench. The woman seemed to like his praise--although I couldn't comprehend why. That was the most horrible misuse of the English language I have ever heard. I kept walking. 

She wanted to meet me at the cafe that had just opened. Powdered Cup, she said it was called. A friend of mine said that I would never be able to keep a woman for a week--two weeks, maximum. We'll see about that. 

The bell at the door jingled as I entered the small cafe, and I saw her swinging her head in my direction. A smile etched itself on her lips and she focused her gaze towards the floor. She was seated at the far end of the shop, her usual sketchpad was in her hands. I nodded at her and sat down, grabbing the menu. 

Coffee. Coffee. Tea. More coffee. How boring.

I snuck a peek at her and cleared my throat.


"Hmm?" She looked up at me, dark, chocolate eyes expectant.

"Your eyes are beautiful. They're so... deep. And uh... Soulful?" Great. Now I'm copycat. 

"Soulful?" She echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Most definintely. Like the moon on a cloudless night, magnificently stunning, mesmerising even." I stopped. Why was she not gushing over me?

She stared at me. And then, she started giggling. It was almost undiscernable at first, but it gradually grew and grew until all eyes were on us both. I glared at them all, and they quickly faced their coffees and shenanigans. 

What was she laughing about? It sounded different from the one the couple made. Louder, and more amused.

She gathered herself, although she was still chuckling. "You're not used to this, are you?"

Was it that obvious? "...No." 

"It's okay. You don't have to force yourself to make comments you don't mean around me. I don't mind." She smiled. "But, thank you." 
Haha, the guy is such a dork.


Another drabble. A possible, possible, continuation of the previous drabble, although very far in the story.

What the hell did I just say? I'm not making any sense. Eh. Enjoy?

I pulled one of my hands out of my coat pockets, pausing briefly in mid-air, contemplating on whether this was right. I tilted her head upwards. Our eyes met for a split second before she turned away. Her's were pricked with tears, although they weren't flowing yet. She must be fighting to keep it in.

"I don't want to leave." She mumbled.

I wanted to hug her right then and there. I wanted to tell her how I shared the same sentiments. I wanted to say how much I...

How much I loved her.

But I can't. That'll just make it harder for her--for us both--to let go.

"It's for your own good." I pressed my lips to her forehead, lingering for a moment as I inhaled her intoxicating scent and mulled over when I'll get to see her again.

I turned around and started walking.

"Letters!" She shouted, suddenly. I faced her, eyes wide. What was she talking about?

With eyes so hopeful and a smile so weak, she continued, "I'll send you letters."
I'm bad at translating feelings, derp.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Delusive (adjective):-

Misleading, giving a false impression.

Example: The distance between here and there is delusively near.

Inspiration Way.

I need inspiration. Badly. Like now. Since the holidays have just started and all that.

No matter what I do, I just can't seem to get any.

This makes me feel sad.

She Drew.

A short drabble on nothing specific. Just exercising my writing skills (which are apparently failing).

I lifted my head from the newspaper I was idly gazing at and looked at the girl before me. She was bent over her sketchpad, her black hair draped over her eyes like a curtain, although I was certain her eyes were darting towards my direction every few moments.. Her pencil made an incessant scritch-scratching noise as it moved over the page. This was a waste of time.

A breeze flitted by, carrying with it loose leaves and stray twigs across the near empty park, shining in parts where the sun casted a golden glow through the thick canopy of the trees. Weeds peeked from the tall, unkempt grass and mushrooms dotted the trunks of some trees. The overall appearance of the park was unkempt and wild. Definitely not a place I would choose to go. But, she had suggested it. What else could a gentleman do except entertain a lady's whim on their date?

At least, this was what it was supposed to be. I'd read in some materials that couples usually go to restaurants or have a leisurely stroll beside the beach on their dates, but I wasn't quite sure spending time in an overgrown mess of a park counts as well. But then again, I'd never been on a date. 

Like I mentioned, this was a waste of time. Nothing was being gained from the mutual silence that settled before us. I would rather spend my time working, or even cleaning my handgun collect--

She looked up, smiling. She tilted her head slightly and passed me the sketch book, as if eager to hear my insight.

She drew me. 
I like writing short stuff.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Test By The Awesome.

Made this with the coaching of Sabrina.

Presentable? Yes. Magnificent? Not at all.

Dragging In The Lows.

I've been dwelling on the negative aspects of life lately. That, coupled with the dour-looking skies of the morning, is making me feel a bit ungrateful towards this wonderful life I have been gifted. 

I think, it's time for me to look at the world with a new perspective.


Misanthrope (noun):-

A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.

Example: She is such a misanthrope that she never gets out of her house!

To Confess.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

1- I lie.

Overdressed salad.

I'm convinced that if more people were to dress in tuxedos or suits along with fedoras, this world would become a slightly (albeit barely noticably) better place to live.


Imperative (noun/adjective):-

Of great importance or vitality. Essential or needed thing.

Example: 1- (Noun) Dressing smartly henceforth became an imperative.
               2- (Adjective) This letter is imperative to our survival.



The trait of being disinclined to talk.

Example: Her reticence is frustrating--I don't know if she's shy or arrogant.

Obsessive, Compulsive.

I noticed that there's always that moment in a person's life where they obsess too much over someone, whether real or fiction, and they just spend every moment of their day researching on that person as much as possible. 

For some, this can stretch out for a few hours. For others, years.

Don't look at me like that. You know this has happened to you too.


Endemic (adjective):-

Is characteristic of a setting or situation, present.

Example: Death is endemic in our family business.


Culpability (noun):-

Blameworthiness, guilt.

Example: Your culpability in this man's death is undeniable.

Emoticon Convention.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

1- :B
2- :3

On Switch.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

1- Smart, argumentative people. Rawr.
2- I dunno? Stubble? HAHA.
3- Just, adorable people.

Off Switch.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

1- When people are dirty. Sorry. I'm kind of a mild germaphobe.
2- When people are annoyingly annoying. Double annoying for emphasis.
3- Spit or drool, lol.
4- People who are too touchy with me. Unless I approve, of course.

The Furious Five.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

1- My mom.
2- My dad.
3- My sister.
4- My sister.
5- My cat.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Parts To A Tuxedo.

1- Dress Jacket.

2- Trousers.

3- Dress Shirt.

4- Cummerbund. (optional)

5- Bow Tie.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dressed To Kill.

This is supposed to be a bathing suit from the early 1900s.


Adulation (noun):-

Flattery, excessive admiration for something or someone.

Example: My feelings towards him is pure adulation and nothing else.

Full Of Regret.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

I'm sorry. But I'm skipping this one. It brings back too much memories I'm trying to suppress. 

Crossing The Stream Of Consciousness.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

1- Currently, how to make a story that is worth reading.
2- How to improve my artwork.
3- How to make my parents happy.
4- How to make my cat happy.
5- How to be a pleasant conversationalist. 
6- How to find myself.
7- How to reach God and tell him I'm deeply sorry for my sins.

Facial Expression Study.

Faces are FUN to study.


Pince-nez (noun):-

A type of glasses which are supported on the face by pinching the bridge of the nose--that's right, with no ear thingies.

Popular around the 19th century.


Mien (noun) plural, Miens:-

  • a person's manner or appearance. Demeanour, bearing, outward behaviour.

Example: Shahirah is a person of awkward mien.

A word that I thought sounds German-ish, but apparently isn't.

Like You're The Only One Who Understands.

Cue swooning and melting.

Bottle It Up.

It is often said that bottling up your emotions is a bad thing. I did my reasearch (oh yes, what a hardworking person I am) and there's a few reasons why this isn't a good thing.

1- Apparently all those bottled up emotions can make a person more irritable, aggressive and angry.
2- (This being the most common reason) Your emotions will get more and more intense, think of it as putting more coal in an already fiery furnace, and it will just explode one day.
3- You can become depressed.
4- These emotions can manifest themselves into diseases. (This, I think is stupid, but apparently it's a 'valid' reason.)

Now this is weird for me. I bottle up a lot. It's not that I want to, it just happens. Like a habit that clings to you. And it doesn't really affect me THAT much. Well, sure, I'm irritable, but only when I'm with people that really annoy me. And that's all. I don't really think much about emotions. Sometimes, they even confuse me.

To me, emotions can always be put aside. It's always possible to see the bigger picture. Except for when it isn't.

Okay I'm confusing myself now.

Woe Unto Ye, Internet.

Great. Thanks to the Internet, now I'm crushin' on a psychopathic anthropomorphic cat. Namely, this guy right here:
As a human: 

Yeah. Absolutely wonderful. *Grunt* Damn you for being such an attractive furry.

The artwork is amazing though.

Horribly Awkward Situation.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

WARNING: These might or might not be completely true. I'm not that type of girl to care about this delicate matter known as courtship.

1- Dude, I don't know. There's just chemistry or there isn't. 
2- Guy in question must not be a supporter of poaching of any sort. I don't care if it's for medicine, clothes or jewellery. JUST NO.
3- Being nice is always a plus. The more dynamic the personality the better too.
4- Being smart is a bonus too.
5- Please love cats.
6- Must be able to tolerate my, err, negative aspects.
7- Must be a believer of Allah and his prophets.
8- ...I don't know...? Look nice, I guess?

Nine Wing-Dings.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

1- I'm not good at small talk.
2- I'm not good in interaction in general, unless duty calls for it.
3- It's hard for me to make eye contact, I don't know-- I just get tense and nervous when I do that.
4- I'm not doing this challenge in order, keheh.
5- So far, the only crushes I've had are on cartoon characters. I used to be embarrassed of this fact.
6- I'm bored.
7- I don't know what to say when I'm around people, in fear that I might annoy them. Unless of course, I WANT to annoy them.
8- I'm probably going to finish all the challenges today. Or at least half of them.
9- I'm extremely interested in things that kids my age usually hate. I won't elaborate on that.


Stolen from Sabrina, but with permission. Yes, that's an oxymoron right there.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four:Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

1- You're too intriguing. 
2- Is the problem me?
3- I'm sorry.
4- I'm sorry.
5- I'm sorry.
6- Don't be ashamed of me.
7- You're the greatest.
8- Teach me.
9- My personality is like that.
10- I'm sorry.

I Can't Decide Whether You Should Live Or Die.

It's cold and hard and petrified.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Words Words Words.

It amazes me how some people manage to integrate lengthy words into their sentences for everyday usage.

Egalitarian = Equal

Pedantic = The trait in which a person displays concern for precision and formality.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Treading For Nature.

Did I mention that we're going to the Singapore Zoological Gardens? It's an open concept zoo, and is one of the major tourist attractions--and rightly so too. It's beautiful, educational and awesome. What more can you want from a zoo?

And they even sell tiger ears and tails!


Just A Hearty Fool.

Throbbing pain.

Something missing.

Time wasted.

I need something to occupy my time, and to take my mind off things I can't put my finger on.

Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not?

I really hope he wins. This guy... is so adorable.

Okay, that was out of character. I'm probably just the millionth girl to have said that.

Must be nice, having so many fans.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I love how they changed the lyrics.

Did You Know?

Female Spotted Hyenas have clitoris' that are enlarged, making them look like penises.

I am not lying.


I want these.

Sugar Gliders.

Sugar Gliders. Cutest pets in the world. Too bad they're illegal in Singapore though.


How're their lives like I wonder? Especially since the really big ones. I mean, they have people wanting to jump them in every corner, not to mention Paparazzis, reporters and stuff like that. How do they cope with that popularity?

I'd feel totally claustrophobic.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Alien With An Attitude.

So I watched Paul. And guess what.

I freakin' loved it.

Before I go all fangirly over how awesome this movie was to me, here's the basic plot (P.S: may contain spoilers) :

Writer Clive and artist Graem, are on a roadtrip across America to see areas where alien encounters were prevalent in the past. Along the way they meet titular alien, Paul, who's on the run from some men in black who're trying to harvest his brain for research purposes.

But it's all better than it sounds. Since Clive and Graem are Sci-Fi geeks (hell, they even went to Comic-con early in the movie), this movie is littered with references and shout-outs.

And PAUL. Oh God, PAUL. When I watched the trailer I was expecting him to be some sort of stereotypical "Foreign Alien" kind of alien. You know. Like ET. But boy, was I wrong by a million miles.

Paul crashed on Earth some sixty years ago, and he stayed here as a 'guest'. He presumably gave world leaders pointers on how to run their country, helped Steven Spielberg in one of his movies, and all those generic martians you see on Elementary lunch boxes? Yeah, they were based on him too.

So he's very human.

He uses profanity, smokes weed, and drinks. He's rude. Very rude.

But of course, he has a heart of gold.

So this movie has all of this and explosions, double-crossing, and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. But it's not for kids.

Yep. The trailer lied. You definitely do not want to bring your kids to this movie.

And here's my lame attempt at reviewing a movie that geeks and nerds will love. Hooray.

It's Probin' Time.

And holy shiz, that CGI alien looks way real.